
Sucat is an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree in Sustainable catalysis organized by a consortium of three Universities and Graduate Schools across Europe:

The University of Poitiers is the coordinating institution of the Sucat Consortium.

The three partners are well known in each of these domains. University Rovira i Virgili (Spain) is specialised in homogeneous catalysis, University of Aveiro (Portugal) in biotechnologies and University of Poitiers (France) in heterogeneous catalysis.

The consortium is in direct connection with industrials in the field and institutional administrations (see associated partners) in Europe and out of Europe.

Associated partners

Sucat master has 15 partners which are companies, research centers, universities or associations.
The associated partners include industries with catalysis activities and research institutes/centres, performing high-level research on this field as well as a cluster in sustainable chemistry (Aquitaine Chimie Durable). Their main role is to provide an industrial perspective on pointing the exact capabilities that SuCat students (potentially future employees of these companies) should have after the completion of the Master.



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